Concert, music

887 program

Not only is the Staatskapelle Dresden one of the oldest orchestras in the world, it is also among the very best, helmed in recent decades by such conductors as Giuseppe Sinopoli, Bernard Haitink, Fabio Luisi and Christian Thielemann.

Giuseppe Verdi
Comic opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Stars' recitals with piano
Song and aria recital in two parts, with Hungarian, English, and same-language surtitles

Bartók: Táncszvit, BB 86
Gyöngyösi Levente: Világpremier
Csajkovszkij: 5. (e-moll) szimfónia, op. 64

Born into a family of musicians, the eerily talented American singer Veronica Swift has cut through the stages of her career like a hot knife through butter to release, at the age of 29, her eponymous sixth album, the one that best reflects the full diversity of her personality.

Formed out of the unlikely encounter between a Spanish musician/filmmaker who fell in love with the music of the Khorasan region - located around the modern border between Afghanistan and Iran - and a performer of Persian classical music, the duo known as Badieh followed up their brilliant 2021 debut album by bringing their interpretations of traditional Khorasan music to an even higher level - now as a trio.

Zeneakadémia Nagyterem Grandioso sorozat 2024/2025

The popular folk-rock band MORDÁI, which was founded by Soma Nóvé - who made his name with the group Middlemist Red - feeds on the bedrock of experimental Hungarian folk music of the 1960s and 70s, boldly reconceptualising folk songs and well-known melodies with jazz motifs and elements of improvisation.

A Dalszerelőműhely és az ISON bemutatja: TAYLOR SWIFT AKADÉMIA
Kétnapos swiftológia-kurzus Fazekas Gergely zenetörténész vezetésével

Star's recital of Kossuth award winners
Festive gala evening with Hungarian, English and same-language surtitles

At the centre of David McVicar's delightfully spectacular staging of Tosca this time we have the Norwegian soprano Lise Davidsen, who in just a few short years has become one of New York's biggest opera stars, now irresistibly conquering us in the Italian repertoire as well.

JOHANNES BRAHMS: Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op. 56
RICHARD STRAUSS: Burleske in D minor for Piano and Orchestra
HECTOR BERLIOZ: Roméo et Juliette, Op. 17 – orchestral excerpts (Scène d’amour, La reine Mab scherzo, Roméo seul, Banquet scene)

Taking the stage at Müpa Budapest on this evening will be the creative spirit Philippe Herreweghe joined by the world-famous workshops he founded: the Collegium Vocale Gent and the Orchestre des Champs-Elysées.

Honeybeast, who explore the boundaries of funk and funky pop and rock have enjoyed countless albums and hits. The 2014 track A legnagyobb hős (The Greatest Hero) was a particularly highlight, racking up 24 (!) million views.

Danubia Orchestra
Conductor and Host: Máté Hámori

Cocoa Concert Sold out
13 Event

While listening to the orchestra’s excellent musicians performing in a cozy atmosphere, the audience will learn about the instruments of the symphony orchestra and concert etiquette in a playful and interactive manner. After the concert, the kids can have a mug of cocoa in the lobby.

Gryllus Vilmos - Nótás Mikulás
Zenés játék

13 Event

Varnus Xaver őszi turnéján egy lenyűgöző tehetségű ifjú hegedűvirtuózzal, a Hollandiában született Bácsy-Schwartz Zoltánnal osztja meg a pódiumot, akivel Bach örökkévalóságot idéző művei mellett Felix Mendelssohn örökszép hegedűversenyét adják majd elő.

ZOLTÁN KODÁLY: Dances of Galánta
BALÁZS KECSKÉS D.: Viola Concerto
ANTONÍN DVOŘÁK: Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op. 88

Zsombor Tóth-Vajna is an outstandingly talented member of the young Hungarian generation of artists dedicated to the historically informed performance of early music, both as a conductor and a specialist in early keyboard instruments, playing the organ, harpsichord, fortepiano and clavichord. He completed his studies at Budapest's Liszt Academy and the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.

A régi ihletet ad az újnak, az új forma más minőséget teremt – a variációk izgalmas és értékteremtő játékával a Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar évek óta kiemelkedik a klasszikus zenei koncertek programkínálatából. Zeneakadémiai bérletük bővelkedik az újra értelmezésekben, az „ismerős, de mégis más” varázsát adó zenei változatokban.


Az ajándékutalvány, a rendszerében használható fel az elérhető programokra (színház, koncert, fesztivál, sport) történő jegyvásárláskor.

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