
Concert by the Musica Historica Orchestra - Selection of medieval secular music

Concert by the Musica Historica Orchestra - Selection of medieval secular music

The repertoire of Musica Historica, in addition to chivalric poetry (troubadours, minnesingers) and Latin-language student songs, also includes Italian and French medieval music.

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Last event date: 2022. August 26. Freitag, 16:01

Concert by the Musica Historica Orchestra - Selection of medieval secular music

The Musica Historica band was born 34 years ago at the foot of Buda Castle, in Krisztinaváros. From the very beginning, they have been committed to promoting medieval secular music. The Buda Castle is a prime location to give medieval music concerts, as within these walls, a wide variety of music has been performed since the end of the 13th century. To this day The Gothic Knights' Hall of the Castle Museum offers excellent acoustics and a wonderful historical location. Hence, it will be an excellent location for the concert of Musica Historica as well.

Thanks to the concert, the melodies of the foreign poet-musicians who visited the courts of the House of Anjou and Sigismund of Luxembourg will be heard again through the combination of old instruments such as medieval flutes and flutes, schalmey and bagpipes, cobza, oud, mandoras, fiddles, harps, and percussion instruments.

Unser Angebot

Fadinard esküvőre készül, de a lova megeszi egy katona szeretőjének szalmakalapját. Hogy a tomboló katona ne verje szét a lakását és a lagziját, Fadinard kénytelen beszerezni egy ugyanolyan kalapot, miközben menyasszonyt, apóst, násznépet kell percenként leszerelnie. Kortalan francia csúcsbohózat.

Az István, a király egy családi viszály története: Géza fejedelem halála után fia örökölné a hatalmat, de a hagyományokra hivatkozva nagybátyja, Koppány is tömegeket gyűjt maga köré. István külföldi támogatással megszilárdíthatja a pozícióját, de a véres összecsapás elkerülhetetlen.

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