
Sing-along baby - musical activities for small children

Sing-along baby - musical activities for small children

Age: 0-3 year

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2 000 Ft
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Sing-along baby - musical activities
for small children

Put your child in your lap, rock them and sing along! - this is the slogan for Sing-along Baby, the musical workshop programme based on the Kodály method.
This popular musical activity, now well-known not only across Hungary but also internationally, offers small children and their parents an opportunity to discover melodies, folk songs and nursery rhymes while playfully engaging in group singing and shared play. On Wednesday mornings, Viktória Emese Gáll welcomes all parents and grandparents who enjoy singing, playing games and creating music with their young children (or grandchildren!) in a family environment.

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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