
TaxiWars / Bridging Europe: Budapest-Brussels

TaxiWars / Bridging Europe: Budapest-Brussels

Hungarian audiences may already be familiar with the belligerents of TaxiWars.  more

Ticket types

1 000 Ft - 6 300 Ft
4 ticket type

Current events

The singer Tom Barman is the frontman for art-rock band dEUS, who have been pounding out the rhythms since the 1990s. In addition to being the drummer for the ancient fusion group Urbex and Next.Ape, which explores psychedelic jazz rock, Antoine Pierre also forms the rhythm section for the Veronika Harcsa-Bálint Gyémánt Quartet alongside double bassist Nicolas Thys. Robin Verheyen is a much sought-after musician in both his Belgian homeland and the United States. With a cavalcade of rock and punk elements interspersed with jazz improvisations, the TaxiWars' experimental, alternative music makes it clear that they are worthy representatives of their homeland for the festival.

vocals, spoken word: Tom Barman
saxophone: Robin Verheyen
double bass: Nicolas Thys
drums: Antoine Pierre

Presented by: Müpa Budapest


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